IWOA Membership Application Please fill out the information below. Items are optional unless otherwise indicated. Membership Type (required) Member, Woodland-owner, voting---$25Associate Member, Non-woodland owner, non-voting---$25Contributing Member, Woodland-owner, voting ---$50Contributing Associate Member, Non-woodland owner, non-voting---$50Friend of the IWOA, non-voting---$100IWOA Forest Steward, non-voting---$250 Name (required) Street Address (required) City (required) State (required) Zip Code (required) Phone (required) Email Address (required) Number of acres of forest owned Acres in forest reserve What County is your forest reserve in? County (or state if not Iowa you vote in Are you a current member of the Iowa Tree Farmers? NoYes Have you taken a Master Woodland Manager (MWM) Course? NoYes Year MWM Completed Would you like to join the IWOA Listserve? NoYes I am interested in volunteering for IWOA committees and/or events in the future. NoYes I am interested in serving on the IWOA Board of Directors and/or learning more about the Board's responsibilities. NoYes